2023 The Year in the Landscape

One of photography’s great attributes is its ability to capture a moment in order for it to be lived and savoured time and time again. This moment in early January had this in addition: the fulfilment of an ambition, to photograph the Dark Hedges in snow. And it is all the more poignant as the moment came in a year of significant transition: a house move and a change in the first digit of my age.

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Gilbert Lennox
Farewell to Gallows Hill

It is almost 11 months since I wrote the previous blog in which I commented that one year of my life was “a mere 69th of my entire life”. This year, to state the obvious, the fraction is even smaller. The clock ticked round to three score and ten. We decided to mark the occasion by… moving house.

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Gilbert Lennox
2022 The Year in the Landscape

When I was six a year seemed a very long time. After all, according to the important facts I was learning in school, it was a sixth of my entire life! The seasons changed slowly and the summers especially seemed to last forever. But now a year is a mere 69th of my entire life. Everything speeds up, except life in the dentist’s chair.

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Gilbert Lennox
To see the moon rising

For week after monotone week in early summer it seemed that neither sun nor moon would be permitted to shine down upon the residents of North Antrim. A hoizon-to-horizon blanket of grey enveloped us with its unwelcome insulation. Clouds with form and texture would even have been a welcome relief. But no. Just one seemingly endless cloud, largely without rain, often requiring the central heating to be kept on too far into the year. Really makes you want to read on, doesn’t it? But wait.

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Gilbert Lennox